Charlotte Gordon

I research crystallisation in magmatic systems. Key physical properties of magmas are often controlled by the abundance and character of their crystals, and I am interested in how these crystals grow from magma and interact with each other. I address process-based research questions by using a technique called electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) to quantify crystal orientations in a diverse range of natural samples ranging from granites to komatiites. My research often involves fieldwork, including detailed studies of intrusive rocks in Iceland, California, and New Zealand.

Some of my key current research topics are:
– Fingerprinting rapid crystallisation in magmas by measuring crystal growth defects
– Synneusis and oriented attachment of crystals in silicic magmas
– Unusual and extreme crystal growth, e.g. K-feldspar megacrysts and orbicular textures
– Near-solidus and subsolidus evolution of igneous textures

View my research page here.

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